1. "Advanced Customization Pro-Pack™" is a $5.99 upgrade available via In-App Purchase that brings additional professional customization features to Easy Release.
Multiple Brands
You can define more than one brand, and easily select the brand you want on a per-template and per-release basis.
Optional Fields
You can turn off some of the old built-in fields, and/or turn on some new built-in fields.
You can choose to turn off Witness, Gender and/or Ethnicity.
You can turn on Shoot End Date, which allows your release to cover a range of dates, rather than just a single day.
You can turn on Other Names. This adds two fields to your release: Stage Name and All Other Names. Use this to help collect required 2257 information for your models and performers.
You can turn on Compensation. This adds two fields to your release: Amount and Tax ID.
Custom Fields
If the built-in fields are not enough, you can now add custom fields.
As many as you want
Three types: Text, Long Text, and Date
Specify a label and default value for each one
You can mark any custom field as 'required'
Import/Export Custom Versions
Share custom templates via email. Recipients just click on the link in the email to import your template.

2. "Multi-Page Releases" is a $3.99 upgrade available via In-App Purchase.
Multi-page release PDF
Allows legal text of any length to be inserted in custom release templates. Prior to this, custom legal text would be shrunk to fit into one page and truncated if it didn't fit. With this optional purchase your custom legal text can flow across as many pages as you need.

3. "Microstock.Plus / StockSubmitter Data Integration" is a $5.99 upgrade available via In-App Purchase.
Microstock.Plus / StockSubmitter - Data Integration (sorry, Android-only, for now!)
Embeds the release data into the JPEG(of the PDF), to speed up data input when using Microstock.Plus or StockSubmitter platforms, by allowing them to autoload it into their submission tools.

4. "Enhanced Model Releases in 28 Languages" is a $5.99 upgrade available via In-App Purchase.
New stock industry standard "enhanced" model releases in 28 languages with new "Privacy Policy Footer" options. (sorry, Android-only, for now!)
Languages included: Arabic, ChineseSimplified, ChineseTraditional, Danish, Dutch, English, EnglishUS, Finnish, French, FrenchAlternate, German, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, PortugueseBrasil, PortugueseEurope, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukranian, and Vietnamese