Adding Custom Release iPhone

Custom model or property releases can be added and saved from the settings menu in as many versions as you wish. The release text can be typed in directly but the best way is to prepare the text in an email to yourself, then copy-paste it into Easy Release. You can select which model/property release version to use on a per-release basis.

The steps for adding a custom release are as follows: Easy Release Settings(gears icon) >> Release Legal Text Defaults Section >> Touch either model or property standard >> touch "+" to add new >>enter a name, title, branding, optional fields, custom fields and legal text.

Adding Custom Release ANDROID

To get some text in the clipboard
1. Unlike iPhone, most of the email programs on Android do not allow you to copy text from received emails.
2. To get around this, send yourself the release text in an email as an attached text file, rather than in the body of the email.
3. If you select the attached file once you receive it on your Android device, Android will try to launch any installed app that is registered to edit text files.
4. Most text edit programs do allow you to copy the contents of text files they open, so use your text editor to do this. Often long-pressing on the text will bring up a context menu with a Copy option. (free software 'TxtPad Lite')

Steps in Easy Release for Android (assuming you have text in clipboard)
1. Open App
2. Menu -> Settings
3. Tap on Model or Property in the Release Legal Text Default section
4. Tap on the plus icon in lower right (to add new custom release)
5. Tap on "Legal Text" field, to select it and bring up the keyboard.

Then you can either
6a. Long-press on the 'Legal text' field again to bring up context menu with Paste option
6b. Menu -> Paste Over, which will replace the contents of the Legal Text field with whatever is in the clipboard